As entrepreneurs, we're basically hit with two completely different messages:
1) Hustle 24/7
2) Law of Attraction
Both mindsets can get you to a certain level of success in your business.
But both of these mindsets can also hurt you. And might even prevent you from getting to the next level.
So today I want to share what I’ve found to be the most useful mindset for getting to the next level. Buckle up and let’s piss some people off:)
Let’s start what I consider a timeless principle:
Success demands two very different types of action from us:
a foundation of methodical, relentless and even boring activities...
...with occasional short bursts of all out effort.
Look at what’s required to successfully climb a mountain.
You have boring fundamentals you have to execute and prepare for.
Hiking, climbing, physical conditioning so you can handle the strain, learning your gear so you can use it in stressful situations.
Then you have the bursts of all out effort it takes to reach each milestone on time, like getting to base camps on schedule, let alone reach the summit and make it back to camp safely.
You can extend this into athletics, where you have the boring fundamentals of practice and film study and workouts, mixed with bursts of all out effort in the 4th quarter to win close games.
All success requires both a foundation of methodical, even boring activities, with occasional bursts of all out effort.
Most entrepreneurs want to lean into just one of those two types.
Some are good at being the tortoise. They are methodical and plodding, masters of the boring fundamentals in their business.
But when one of their goals requires a burst of all out effort, they shrink from the challenge and give up on their goals.
They can’t handle the all out bursts required to get to the next level.
Then you have the opposite of the tortoise, the hare - the driven, impatient entrepreneur who’s all about the short bursts, but doesn’t care much for the methodical kind of action.
So they move in flurries of activity, creating a lot of friction and generating a lot of heat. They seem to leap ahead of the rest of the pack, but they don’t have staying power.
They can’t handle the methodical action required to get to the next level.
Bottom line, you don’t get success without the combination of both types of action.
Understanding this helps us have a more accurate, realistic mindset.
The hustle mindset gets a lot of flack right now, so I don’t need to rip it apart, but I will piss all the hustlers off and say something about WHY it’s so appealing.
The Hustle mindset puts your body in a semi-permanent fight-or-flight mode. You’re on a constant, low-level drip of stress hormones that prepares your body for action.
Our body is not meant to stay in fight-or-flight mode for hours a day, 5, 6, 7 days a week.
So the hustle mindset is a fast track to burnout. If you’re hustling and you haven’t burned out yet, you just haven’t been doing it long enough.
Now let’s tackle the Law of Attraction and piss those people off.
Despite what Napoleon Hill and Neville Goddard and all the New Thought leaders believed, I see no evidence that the universe conspires to help us in achieving our goals.
I see no evidence that we can manifest our way to success.
And I think the success stories you hear about the Law of Attraction tactics come down to human nature and how these beliefs give people confidence to simply step out and take action of some kind.
Regardless of what your spiritual or religious beliefs are, I believe we’re all better off looking at the universe as basically indifferent to our goals.
The universe isn’t for us or against us. It just IS.
And it’s our responsibility to make our goals happen, without expecting help from an outside force like God or the universe.
You can’t manifest your way to the next level, and you can’t hustle your way there either.
Dig into any story of success and you’ll find both methodical boring action AND bursts of all out effort.
Both types of action are there every time.
So embrace it. Consider it good news.
You have a massive advantage over competitors who are stuck in one of these two mindsets.
The competitors who are going to Law of Attraction workshops and meditating and visualizing without taking action are wasting their time.
The competitors who are moving from one flurry of activity to another without the foundation of methodical, boring activities are just wasting their energy on the way to burning out.
That leaves you, with the most useful mindset for success. And it’s only a matter of time till you break through to the next level of influence, impact and income.
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